Dear Valued Exus Shutters Customer,
It is almost unbelievable, but we are at that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is on November 25th, Christmas exactly one month later.
Exus Shutters will not be able to offer any type of exact cutoff for orders being placed to meet the holiday dates this year. The logistics remain complex with delays on many containers being experienced by all importers. There are still too many opportunities for delays for us to offer exact cutoff dates. We recommend using our White Glove Express service to get product to you within 5-6 weeks.

We can say that we have seen some pretty significant improvement over the past 3 months at least in the consistency of containers being delivered. None are arriving as quickly as we would all like, but they are moving. California port delays have improved and the quantity of empty containers being returned to the Chinese factories has improved as a result of this. This all helps.
Please know that we continue to do all that we can to improve and increase the number of containers that are allocated to Exus Shutters, but the competition for these empty containers is fierce. Never before has any importer paid the outrageous prices being demanded for ocean and local LTL transportation. But, we continue to try in every conceivable way to keep your costs down and remain a leader in service and delivery.
We encourage you to place your holiday orders as early as possible and please share whatever information that we supply openly with your customers. It seems that everyone has sadly become accustomed to the delays, but everyone wants factual information.
Thank you as always for your support and the continued relationship that we have with each of you. Please let us know if there are suggestions or information that will make us a better partner for you and your business.
Topics: Insider, announcements, Holiday Schedule, cutoffdates